Typically, 180 people come to Ace each day for food, but we’re also here to help in other ways. If you get chatting to someone, you might be the only person to ask how they’re doing this month.
You can email it to samuelpark@aceofclubs.org.uk
once it’s filled out
I love the variety of things you can help with and working with a fun team
Having been a guest, I know the value of the support Ace provides and enjoy contributing in return
I had no idea that places that provided so much support existed, and the team is great to work with
It’s great to be able to help those who need it in the local area alongside such kind, helpful people
Our friendly team of volunteers always create a welcoming, friendly environment for our guests and for each other. As a volunteer you will have the opportunity to meet kind, genuine people of all ages and from all backgrounds, who like you, want make a positive difference in the local community.
You can email it to samuelpark@aceofclubs.org.uk
once it’s filled out
In the run up to lunch there are vegetables to be chopped, takeaway bags to be stocked and tables to be prepared.
Our guests often aren’t treated as people in their everyday lives, so we do our best to make sure everyone feels valued and respected.
Our dishwasher is in constant use over the lunch period and needs to be loaded and unloaded, whilst some items need to be washed manually.
Our kitchen has a five star hygiene rating thanks to our diligent volunteers working under our friendly head chef. There are also showers, toilets and the dining room to take care of.
We offer several choices of meal each day, all dished out by our volunteers. If you’ve never worked in a kitchen before, don’t worry. Our friendly head chef will show you the ropes.
We do more than just food. Sometimes you may need to help out with laundry, distributing toiletries or another of the services we provide.
You can email it to samuelpark@aceofclubs.org.uk
once it’s filled out