A Day Centre for the homeless & vulnerable in Clapham

Charlie welcoming a guest to Ace of Clubs
At Ace of Clubs you can access a hot meal, clothing, a laundry service, showers, healthcare, housing & welfare support and access to computers. You don’t need to be referred, just turn up and let us know how we can help.

What we provide


12:00 – 14:15
You’re welcome to join us for lunch Monday to Friday, (including bank holidays), for which there is a £1 charge.


How can we help?
Speak to a Support Worker to let us know what’s going on in your life. We’re here to listen and to help.


12:00 – 14:15
If we have it available, we can provide you with everything from socks to hoodies, including smarter items if you need them for a job interview.


Mon, Wed, Fri
09:20 – 11:50
Book in advance. We have two showers with five 20min slots available each morning. To book, call us on: 020 7720 2811


If you have items of clothing you need washing, let us know and we can help you out. There is a 24 hour turn around and a £2 charge per load.

NHS Nurse

Mon & Thu
12:00 – 14:30
NHS nurses are on site twice a week to help out with medical advice, and to provide basic treatment. In an emergency, always call 999.

NHS Dentist

10:00 – 14:00
We have a mobile dental unit on site each week for people who qualify. To book a slot call us on: 020 7720 2811.

Housing Advice

12:00 – 14:30
GlassDoor operate at our site and can offer advice on accommodation, benefits and finances. Appointments are first come, first served.


12:00 – 14:30
If you need to use a computer for anything, we have many available. Speak to one of us to arrange access.

Our Guests

A photo of Jackie
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I always feel valued at Ace of Clubs. It’s really improved my self-esteem and helped me feel so much more confident as an individual.

A photo of Jennifer
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Ace of Clubs provides everything you need to live, the staff are really helpful and I’ve made a lot of friends here over the years as well

Find us

If we're not open…

Lambeth Council logo

Lambeth Council has a variety of contact numbers for emergencies.

Samaritans logo

The Samaritans are available 24/7 if you need someone to talk to.

Streetlink logo

Streetlink can help if you’re sleeping rough, or know someone who is.